

What are the advantages of freeze-dried food in large food freeze dryer

Freeze-dried food, also known as FD (Freeze Dried) food, has the advantage of maintaining its freshness and nutritional content, and can be stored at room temperature for more than 5 years without preservatives. Because of its pint in addition to most of the water, with light weight, easy to carry and transport and other advantages, freeze-dried food has also begun to enter People's Daily life, becoming a convenient leisure health food.

Because the finished product is light in weight and easy to carry and transport, freeze-dried food has also begun to enter People's Daily life and become a convenient and healthy food for leisure. The demand for freeze-dried food is growing exponentially around the world.

Large food freeze dryer machine is short for food vacuum freeze-drying machine, food freeze-drying technology originated in the 1930s, and the current food freeze-drying machine has become an important drying equipment for food deep processing.

Large Freeze Dryer

Food freeze-drying principle: Based on the coexistence and conversion of liquid, solid and gas in three states of water phase at different temperatures and vacuum states, the water-containing food substance is first frozen into a solid state, and then under a certain vacuum degree, the water in it is directly sublimed from a solid state into a gas state, in order to remove the water to preserve the food method.

Food freeze-drying unit consists of freeze-drying bin body, refrigeration unit, vacuum unit, cycle unit, electric control unit, etc.

Let's take a look at the advantages of using a large food freeze-drying machine to freeze-dry food:

1, food has been dried at low temperatures, and heat-sensitive components in food substances, such as proteins, microorganisms and other bioactive ingredients, can be protected.

2, drying at low temperatures, the loss of some volatile components in the substance is less.

3, drying at low temperatures, the growth of microorganisms and the role of enzymes almost stopped, so the material to the maximum extent to maintain the original properties.

4, drying is carried out in a vacuum oxygen-poor state, and the destruction of some easily oxidized components in food is reduced.

5, large food freeze-drying machine is sublimation drying, after the sublimation of water, the food material remains in the frozen ice shelf, the volume is almost unchanged after drying, is loose and porous spongy, the internal surface area is large, good rehydration.

6, food freeze-drying can exclude 95% to 99% of the water, so that the dried food material can be preserved for a long time. 

Post time: Aug-05-2024